Henna Cones

Eashenna is happy to now offer henna cones for purchase! Our natural and organic henna cones are meticulously crafted with the finest ingredients, including lavender and eucalyptus essential oils, to deliver a soothing and aromatic henna experience. Each cone weighs approximately 20-25g, ensuring ample product for your intricate designs.

Henna dye, derived from the leaves of the Lawsonia inermis plant, undergoes a fascinating staining process when applied to the skin. Initially, the paste appears as a vibrant greenish-brown hue. As it dries, the henna begins to penetrate the top layers of the skin, imparting a rich burgundy color. Over the next 24 to 48 hours, the stain continues to deepen and develop, reaching its peak intensity. The final result is a beautiful, reddish-brown henna stain that can last for up to two weeks, offering a temporary yet stunning canvas for intricate and timeless designs. With the proper after-care, natural henna will never fail to bring about the darkest, richest of stains.

Elevate your self-expression with Eashenna’s henna cones, a blend of tradition, craftsmanship, and natural beauty.